Understanding your wellbeing allows you to be the best version of you

What’s Included

Understand how different foods, vitamins and exercises work with your body. Perhaps you need extra Vitamin D or find out that stretching is key to your exercise program.

Vitamin Response

Discover how your body responds to key vitamins such as Vitamin D. We look at the genetic variant that can impact the way in which your body metabolizes different vitamins and minerals.

Food Metabolism

Understand how your body processes different foods and what effects they can have such as gluten sensitivity and lactose digestion.

Nutrition Advice

Maximise what you eat with our tips on foods that provide you with the nutrients you need. Discover our Nutrition DNA testing page for more information.


From weights to cardio, find out the best type of exercises and equipment that support your genetic makeup. Discover our Fitness DNA testing page for more information.


Find out the best way to wind down after exercise with our recommendations.

Exercise Ideas

Get professional exercise tips and advice that can fit around your lifestyle.

Your Health Experience

From weight management to strength and stamina, you will discover how genetically, your body breaks down different vitamins, food types and the exercise program that can best support you. Understand the role genetics plays with your lifestyle choices and how you can optimise your wellbeing.

Stay up to date with the most cutting-edge genomic research

Our team curates the latest scientific discoveries to create personalized reports based on your Whole Genome Sequencing DNA test results. New reports on various genetic traits are added regularly. The Nebula Research Library already contains over 200 research-based reports.

Get access to over 100 gigabytes of raw DNA data

Explore it on your own. Bring your DNA data to your physician to help identify predispositions and improve health.

Discover Your Roots

Unlike other ancestry tests, we identify all genetic markers to help you discover your entire family history.

You get access to the world’s largest Y-DNA and mtDNA databases where you can trace your parents’ lines, find relatives, and build your family tree.

Explore Your DNA

Take a deep dive into your DNA with our powerful tools to examine your genes and search for specific variants.

Privacy First DNA Testing

Nebula Genomics is the leading privacy-focused personal genomics service. Our mission is to make direct-to-consumer DNA testing secure. In partnership with Oasis Labs, we give you access to cutting-edge privacy-preserving technology.
  • Take irrevocable ownership of your Whole Genome Sequencing data.
  • Control who can access your data and for what purpose it is used.
  • Keep your genetic information protected in a secure computing environment.

With an Invitae test, you get a more complete picture of your health—from the inside out. That’s a step in making healthier decisions. But you won’t know until you test.

What are the potential results for a cardio, cancer, or genetic health screening?

Possible results

Positive: A positive test result generally means your genetics give you a higher-than-average risk of developing a specific condition. Remember, this doesn’t guarantee you will get the condition. It means you can now work with your doctor to proactively address the condition or detect it early, when it could be most treatable.

Negative: A negative result generally means we did not identify any changes in your genes that could increase your risk of developing a certain disease or disorder. This means you should continue with your doctor’s recommendations, like eating right, getting exercise and going to all your appointments.

What are some possible results for a pharmacogenomics test?

Your body uses enzymes to metabolize medications. Depending on your genetics, some of your enzymes might process certain medications faster or slower than the average person—causing you to respond to a medication differently than expected. This could be in the form of an adverse reaction and/or reduced effectiveness of the drug. For example, you may be a normal metabolizer for one drug metabolizing enzyme, but a rapid metabolizer for another.

Some possible results

Intermediate or Poor: Intermediate and poor metabolizers have decreased enzyme activity. Depending on the gene, you may experience exaggerated response to certain drugs affected by the enzyme.

Normal: Normal metabolizers have normal enzyme activity. Depending on the gene, this means your genes are unlikely to interfere with typical drug metabolism.

Rapid or Ultrarapid: Rapid and ultrarapid metabolizers have increased enzyme activity. Depending on the gene, you may experience exaggerated responses to certain drugs affected by the enzyme.

Your doctor or pharmacist can tell you which of your current or potential medications could be impacted by each status.

Next steps

Share your results with your doctor or pharmacist.

They may use this information in:

  • choosing a medication that is more likely to work
  • avoiding drugs that may cause side effects
  • adjusting the dose of a drug
  • determining whether closer monitoring of the drug’s effect is needed

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